Smart Penguin – emergency calls only, Bianka Mieskes, Germany, 2016
be smart – save nature
integrated circuit studies (ICS)
Artificial intelligence, Smarthomes, Smartcars and Smartcities are important innovations. However, a striking feature of our time is also the climate catastrophe and the irrevocable extinction of innumerable, unique animal and plant species. In the current Red List of the World Conservation Union IUCN 2018 a total of 28,338 animal and plant species are listed as threatened. That is one third of all known species are considered threatened. For example, almost all of the 18 penguin species are threatened with extinction.
There is also a connection between ecological crisis and social conflicts. The climate crisis leads to hurricanes, floods and droughts and thus to humanitarian emergencies such as famine or war. Millions flee from disaster areas.
Worldwide, the gap between rich and poor is growing ever wider. The German sociologist Ulrich Beck addresses this in his book “Schöne neue Arbeitswelt” – alluding to Aldeous Huxley’s dystopian novel “Brave New World”.
big city garbage
Bianka Mieskes
Cast iron, approx. 13 cm in diameter / approx. 2 cm high, 2012
In the rich industrial nations, the standard of living in the cities is higher than ever. The other side of the coin is garbage. According to “Nature”, the world’s population is producing around 3.5 million tons of garbage – every day.”